Morning tea – the perfect start to the day.

A delicious way to wake yourself up.

The night is over, a new day is dawning. For many people in this country, a cup of coffee is an essential part of their personal morning ritual. But is your cup of coffee really the best way to wake yourself up? Not always: in many respects, drinking tea in the morning may be a better way of starting the day with the motivation you need.


A nice cup of tea is a tasty way to add some variety to your morning. At the same time, the caffeine or theine in your cup of tea may last significantly longer than that in your morning coffee. We explain why we often prefer tea over coffee in the morning, the benefits it brings, and which types of tea will help you start the day right.

The benefits of a morning cup of tea instead of coffee.


Tea instead of coffee for breakfast – this may sound a little strange to all those who like their morning coffee. But those who drink tea in the morning out of habit or perhaps have intentionally switched to a good morning tea know it has more to offer than just taste alone. We take a look at the benefits of a strong cup of tea.





avoury tea box with a cup of tea filled with Avoury ginger lemon tea

# 1 Hydrating the body

After a long and restful sleep, your body needs to replace the fluids it has lost during the night – a large cup of tea is a quick and easy way to do this. Caffeine-containing teas such as our organic GREAT CEYLON or a green tea such as our  GINGER LEMON are a good choice for anyone who prefers to reach for a tasty hot drink instead of a glass of water in the morning.




# 2 Beneficial ingredients

It’s what’s inside that counts: if you drink a cup of tea after getting up in the morning, you’re helping your body to start the day with a large dose of essential nutrients, including vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids and tannins, to name just a few. It’s important to note that, particularly in varieties such as black tea or green tea, you only get the full benefit of these tannins at the right tea temperature.

camomile flowers floating around in hot water
Avoury tea box with capsule - Original Genmaicha tea

# 3 Energy for the day

For many people, the morning caffeine fix from a cup of coffee is an integral part of their daily routine. However, unlike coffee, tea isn’t in such a hurry in the mornings: the caffeine in a cup of brewed tea binds to the polyphenols, which means it is only released once it reaches the gut. Because the caffeine isn’t released immediately, its effect is therefore only felt later and also lasts longer in comparison with coffee. Although it doesn’t have the immediate effect of coffee, tea provides more energy well into the day.



Our tip: if you’d like to start the day with your favourite drink, whether that’s a perfectly brewed green tea, herbal tea or another type of tea, why not try our Avoury One® tea machine? At the push of a button or via the dedicated app, it automatically prepares your hot drink in just a few minutes, helping you start the day with a moment of enjoyment.



floating tea leaves in hot water
Which tea is yours?

Find the perfect morning tea for breakfast and the commute to work

A good morning tea needs to have a couple of important qualities: it should act as a pick-me-up and have a positive influence on your energy levels during the day.

This is ensured by the caffeine, which is also known as ‘theine’ in tea but is in fact chemically identical to the caffeine in a cup of coffee. In tea – as already mentioned – it simply binds to the polyphenols. Because the tannins in tea delay the absorption of the active components in the digestive tract, their effect is felt later. The shorter the brewing time, the lower the proportion of tannins and the higher the proportion of non-bonded caffeine in your morning tea.

Our range of teas includes a few clear favourites but also several ‘hidden champions’, all of which are perfect for starting the day. And you don’t even have to get up early if you want to enjoy a delicious cup of tea for breakfast – from green and black tea to white tea, we’ve put together a list of our many varieties and their flavour profiles.

avoury tea capsule with loose black tea leaves

Black tea

Black tea is the coffee of tea varieties. Compared with other varieties, black teas have the highest caffeine content. That’s why our STRONG ASSAM is so popular: with its zesty, powerful aroma and intensity of flavour, this tea variety is a great pick-me-up in the mornings.

In contrast, our LONDON BREAKFAST, which already includes the word ‘breakfast’ in its name for good reason, guarantees a full-bodied aroma. Just like our MUMBAI CHAI, which can be drunk in the mornings with milk or black. Our chai tea not only has an extremely strong flavour, it’s also guaranteed to awaken all the senses with its many-layered spicy aroma. 

Green tea and white tea

Green tea


If you prefer a slightly gentler start to the day, green tea is a great choice as it not only contains caffeine but also comes in different varieties, each with their own unique flavour notes. For example, our MINT GUNPOWDER is a perfect green tea for the morning as it awakens the senses and features a lightly smoky note alongside its distinctive aroma.

Our SUPREME GYOKURO is mild, not wild, with a superior taste. With a blend of gentle yet fresh flavours, this green tea is a delicious, understated pick-me-up for the morning and has a lower caffeine content than that of black tea.

White tea


For a calm start to the day, a white tea such as LIGHT PASSION offers the best of both worlds. Compared with green and black teas, white teas contain considerably less caffeine but have similar qualities in taste and composition. The theine they contain acts as a pick-me-up without dominating the taste too much, so even those of us who aren’t morning people can have a pleasant start to the day.

Another good example of this is our LEGEND OF PAI MU TAN. This premium tea features pleasantly floral, fresh aromas with a very mild intensity that bring out the flavour of the drink to perfection – an excellent choice for the morning.

Mate tea

Mate occupies a unique position in the search for the perfect breakfast tea. On the one hand, mate isn’t a ‘true’ tea – it comes from the South American mate shrub, not from the Camellia sinensis tea plant. On the other hand, its caffeine content is so high it often even rivals that of coffee. For those who want a strong cup of mate in the morning, but don’t have the patience so early in the day for such a delicate preparation process involving powder, hot water, whisk or even a traditional calabash, we offer a tasty alternative in the Avoury® Shop.

With its naturally intensive mix of caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, our DAILY MATE is an excellent option for anyone looking for a change from their traditional morning coffee. The blend combines green tea with 20% mate, peppermint and other aromas. And thanks to an additional hint of guarana, this tea is also an energetic powerhouse that will get even the sleepiest of us going in the mornings. Mate can be drunk both cold and hot.

tea leaves

The perfect tea for mornings – and beyond

Deciding on the right morning tea is always a matter of taste. Whether matcha, mate, black tea or herbal tea – even the best cup of morning tea is no good if it doesn’t reflect your own preferences. Choose a tea that you like and that gets your circulation going in an enjoyable way.


Incidentally, a good night’s sleep creates the necessary foundation for an energised morning. Both a regular sleep pattern and the right tea in the evening play an important role in ensuring an undisturbed night’s sleep. The Avoury range also includes teas that can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

Making morning tea is easy with Avoury

The perfect morning cup of tea can be a science in itself. Only the ideal ratio of brewing temperature and time will deliver the full taste experience. But since each tea variety is unique and requires individual preparation, we have developed a machine that understands each tea variety as well as we do: our Avoury One tea maker guarantees an excellent cup of tea in the morning. Simply peel off the foil of the capsule, insert it and our Avoury One does the rest. It recognises the corresponding type of tea by means of the capsule and configures everything itself – for the perfect cup of tea at the touch of a button.

And if you want the tea to be a little more astringent or milder, the amount of liquid or even the brewing time can be individually adjusted on your smartphone with just a few clicks. The app remembers these adjustments so that they can be immediately applied again to your next cup of tea. The Avoury app allows you to customise the settings for each type of tea and notifies you as soon as your hot drink is ready – very practical when you’re getting ready in the bathroom in the morning, for example. All in all, our teas offer a delicious alternative to coffee and are the perfect way to start the day.

Avoury One tea machine with a hand on the start button

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