Frequently asked questions
Find answers here.
Do you need additional help in finding answers about your product? We have listed frequently asked questions here.

Where does Avoury Tea come from?
For us, nothing but the best is good enough. In order to guarantee first-class quality, we only use teas from sustainable cultivation. The plantations on which our teas are sorted by hand have been carefully selected by our tea experts and monitored in accordance with the strictest standards.
Are the teas certified organic?
We believe that natural is always better. That’s why some of our Avoury teas are even certified organic. When sourcing teas from a country where sustainability is not a given, we also insist on a Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance certification.
Are all the teas free of artificial flavours?
Of course! All our teas owe their excellent taste to natural flavours. We steer clear of anything artificial.
Are the teas guaranteed to be free of allergens?
Yes – allergy sufferers can enjoy our teas without worrying.
If a tea does contain allergens, it is marked accordingly.
How do I find my favourite Avoury teas?
There are many ways to get to your favourite tea. Firstly, we would like to recommend our Shop Overview. Our Avoury TEAm is also happy to give advice over the telephone on 00800 7000 6000 – daily from 07:00 to 22:00. Or simply try the teas yourself at our retail partners. Our Store Finder will point you to our Tea Tastings.
Contact our Avoury TEAm
Avoury Contact Form
Feel free to send us your request via the contact form. We will answer you as soon as possible!
Avoury Chat
Talking on the phone not your thing? No problem! Our Avoury TEAm can also be reached via this chat function.
No matter whether you want to talk about tea, the tea machine or accessories, the Avoury Team will gladly be of assistance – daily from 07 a.m. to 10 p.m. Just call us.
Avoury Contact Form
We are Avoury – the tea.
Ensuring that our actions are sustainable and our production environmentally friendly is just who we are. But what exactly does organic, Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance certification mean for humans and the environment? And what really makes Avoury so unique?